9. Cheap Thrills

A movie I want ed to see based on the trailer. A down on his luck man goes drinking with a friend  and meets a couple who offer money for dares. They start harmless but as the money goes up things take a turn.

i have seen black comedies before but this one gets dark real fast. It’s fun and disturbing at the same time. It does have a fair amount of violence and at least one sex scene but no nudity. Even in a stripclub scene, no real nudity.

i would recommend but be prepared.


8. Superman III

Why on earth would you watch this you might ask. Why would you put yourself through this.

In case you missed it,this was the one where there wasn’t enough “from my” in Superman so they brought in famous comedian Richard Pryor to play a computer programmer. Yeah. There’s no Lex Luthor, about 5 total minutes of Lois Lane.  Jimmy Olsen gets more screen time. The bulk of the story takes place in Clark Kent’s hometown Smallville where he reconnects with his high school crush Lana Lang. Hijinks ensue. Superman turns evil because ofsome funky Kryptonite. He makes hay wth a blonde bimbo and straightens the tower of Pisa (which doesn’t seem particularly evil). Stuff happens Superman saves the day. The end.

This is just not a good movie. It seems like an odd move. The comedy seems out of place and the story is kinda thin. However this  is like Citizen Cain compared to Superman IV The Quest for Peace and the more recent Superman Returns. 

I don’t know what it’s rated. Only watch if you hate yourself and want to kill 2 hours. Kids might like it. It’s just dumb.

7. Carol

Based on Oscar nominations last year I wanted to see it. I like Cate Blanchett and that was enough for me. I went feet first not knowing what it was about.

The film is essentially a love story about 2 women in the 1950s.  It has a kind of slow pace and lots of acting and not talking. It’s a very slow pace but not overly so. It’s also a very straight forward story but it is shot nicely and acted well. Something just didn’t sit right with me. Maybe I’m jaded and I need fast plots and things blowing up?

It also was interesting how much smoking went on.

It’s rated R for nudity and sex.

6. Signs

I did not intend to rewatch this movie. I remember seing it in theaters and it freaking me out. I had just forgotten the alien sounds and didn’t want it back.

I confess I am a bit of a wimp with creepy or scary movies. I have difficulty with seeing something scary then laying in bed in a dark house alone. I will only watch these types with somebody or in the day. An ex of mine once had me watch a movie she said was not scary but it was. I add that to a long list of reasons we broke up, but that’s another blog.

Turns out this movie isn’t very scary. I may have built it up in my head. There are a few jump scares and creepy parts. I just remember it being better than it was. I have to say this is as good as M. Night Shyamalan has done since Sixth Sense. I still enjoyed it despite 2 unlivable leads. I don’t get the draw of Joaquin Phoenixand turns out Mel Gibson is crazy.

I say if you haven’t seen it, it’s worth your time. If you have let it be in the past.
Rated PG 13 for creep factor.

5. Anamolisa

Weird. All I can think is weird. Nominated for an Oscar. Co written by Charlie Kaufman who brought us Being john Malcovich. Stop motion animation. All sound like very interesting things. I suppose they are. The story revolves around a man who sees everybody as the same until he meets a unique woman. The voic acting is good. The animation is good. I guess I found the sex scenes weirdest. Yes. If you remember Team America, it has the same feel. Not intentionally funny but odd.

i guess it is a good movie overall it is weird but I just can’t suggest you watch it.  This is just my opinion. Your milage may vary. Rated R for sex and nudity (all from stop motion dolls) and language.


4. Superman II

This classic was suggested by my mother since she has not seen it. She says that as she naps through it but it is a good film. It might even be one of those rare films that surpassed the original. I always found Zod to be more interesting than Gene Hackman’sLex Luthor.

Needless to say highly recommended. One of the first, great superhero movies.

Kneel before Zod.


3. Regarding Henry

Mike Nichols film about ahigh priced lawyer who had s involved in an incident, has to learned how to walk talk and figure out who he really is. Harrison Ford is great so is Anette Bening. It could easily be heavy handed and preachy but it’s very subtle. 

Note: This film wasuggestedto me by my mom. I had seen it so it is my first rewatch of the year.

One scene of violence and a little talk about sex and married stuff. 

Overall wold recommend.

2. That’s Dancing

Really a companion piece the series of That’s Entertainment series. The history of dance in filmUp to 1985. Gene Kelly, Sammy Davis Jr, Liza Minnelli, and Ray Bolger are the narrators. It’s fun to see the old epic dance scenes with hundreds of dancers. If you’re into old movies and dancing this is a fun film. 

Rated G. It’s just all dancing.

1. Imperium

Based on true events. Daniel Radcliffe plays an FBI agent undercover to infiltrate the world of white supremacist groups. I was worried I’d keep seeing Harry Potter in him but I put it out of my mind.  If you want solid action mixed with hate filled rhetoric and buckets of deplorable, this is an interesting mix. It shows that the loudest ones aren’t always the ones you need to look out four

Would recommend. Rated R for language and violence

365 Movie Adventure for 2017

For the past year (2016) I ave been doing an un official movie a day. For the new year I decided to document it. If I don’t post one every day I’m not going to worry. Some days I migh watch 2. I just st want to end December 31, 2017 as close to 365 movie as possible.

I have some “rules” for myself.

  1. No repeating a movie twice in a year. If so it won’t count.
  2. I can re-watch a movie I’ve seen before, but try for movies I haven’t seen before.
  3. TV shows do not count even if they are special 2 hour episodes. 
  4. These rules are arbitrary and not written in stone. That would be cost prohibitive.
  5. I will take suggestions but I don’t promise o get o them but I’ll try

So I’ve never kept a blog like this before so let’s see how it goes.