290. Fried Green Tomatoes

A housewife who is unhappy with her life befriends an old lady in a nursing home and is enthralled by the tales she tells of people she used to know.

This is a favorite of mine. I’ve seen it many many times. It’s one that if I see it on, I will sit down and watch it at least for a bit. I admit,  have a crush on Mary Louise Parker, well before Weeds. This is where it started. It was her first big lead. Of course Mary Stuart Masterson was in Some Kind of Wonderful so of course I adored her. And good old Jessica Tandy is so cute. Kathy Bates is pretty great too.

It has a sort of sly sense of humor, parts are. Bit dark but satisfying. It’s also sad. I will freely admit, it makes me cry every time.

It has no real objectionable content scepter for maybe implied murder and some domestic abuse. The only profanity is light except for racially insensitive terms. It’s a recommended film.

289. The Infiltrator

A U.S. Customs official uncovers a money laundering scheme involving Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar.

This has been on my watchlist for a while and I finally decided to go ahead and watch it. Bryan Cranston seems to ping pong back and forth between quirky and comedic to more serious drama. This is a drama. And as expected, he is excellent. 

The story is compelling. You really start to worry for him as he gets further and further inside. You can feel him getting closer, then something happens that’s a real reality check. The end is sad but ultimately satisfying. Overall a good flick.

There are some scenes of sexuality, violence, and language. Recommended.

288. No Country for Old Men

Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong and more than two million dollars in cash near the Rio Grande.

I like most of the Cohen Brothers films. Their films range from the serious to the silly. This is a pretty great one of the serious type.

I’m pretty impressed with Josh Brolin lately. He really is coming into his own. I also like a more laid back Tommy Lee Jones. I don’t know much about Javier Bardem except his haircut in this s is goofy.

I like having they don’t explain a lot of what’s going on. If you pay attention and listen ou can figure it out for yourself. The violenc is brutal but the think it demonstrates how dangerous this world is that the main character has got himself involved in. 

There is some sexuality and a non sexual nude scene. A hard R rated amount of violence. Not for the sweetish but a pretty great film. Recommended.

287. Bastille Day

A young con artist and an unruly CIA agent embark on an anti-terrorist mission in France.

I entered into thisonly on Indris Elbabeing it. I should know better than to watch movies for one person only.

It really isn’t great. The premise is thin as is the plot. It seems to go from citing action scene to long scenes of silent reflection. Action wc nes are few and far between. I had to read up on it again to refresh myself. It’s instantly forgettable.

This film as later changed after release to The Take.

Do not recommend.

286. The Night Listener

In the midst of his crumbling relationship, a radio show host begins speaking to his biggest fan, a young boy, via the telephone. But when questions come up, the host’s life is thrown into chaos.
I am reluctant to say much about this film. The to very good but there are many slow reveals that are too good to mention. Robin Williams is great. It’s a very serious role with no jokes. He really is a good actor. Toni Collette is almost unrecognizable but also very good.

It’s dark in tone, there are some discussions of sexual abuse and some profanity. It is a good psychological thriller though. If you don’t mind a slower pace I recommend it.

285. The Big Sick

Pakistan-born comedian Kumail Nanjiani and grad student Emily Gardner fall in love but struggle as their cultures clash. When Emily contracts a mysterious illness, Kumail finds himself forced to face her feisty parents, his family’s expectations, and his true feelings.

Based on a true story. I’ve been aware of the real Kumasi and Emily for awhile. Him as a stand up and they hosted a video game podcast awhile back. I was aware of this prett incredibly true story also. I was pleased it turned into a movie.

It’s really an endearing film, well acted by Kumamoto as himself and Zoe Kazan as Emily. The supporting cast is also great. Brave for an actually funny comic, Kurt Braunohler, to play a very unfunny comic. Ray Romano shows he can really act.

It has a few references to sex but gets an R rating just based on the number of times they use a certain word. Also maybe some intense stuff in the middle. I really highly recommend it.

284. Elizabeth

A film of the early years of the reign of Elizabeth I of England and her difficult task of learning what is necessary to be a monarch.

I had seen this movie when it came out about 30 years ago and enjoyed it. I’m not sure I forgot or just didn’t get the complexity of the story. How little I know of the history of the times. How dangerous and fragile things would get.

Cate Blanchett is amazing. She has a real presence on screen. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite actresses. She just seems to jump from genre to genre. I’m still waiting for her musical debut. (I seem to remember her singing in a movie and she’s tone deaf).

The movie itself is beautifully shot and well paced. I sometimes confused the male characters and wasn’t 100% sure who was her ally and who was trying to kill her. Maybe that’s part of the idea. I wish I knew more about who these people were.

There’s a fair amount of violence and several sex scenes. It is a recommendation.

As a side note, I tried to watch the follow up, Eluzabeth, The Golden Age and I just couldn’t get into it. It also had 2 of my least favorite actors in it so I just couldn’t. I should have kept a list of movies I started but couldn’t finish for various reasons. Mostly stupidity.

283. A Fish Called Wanda

In London, four very different people team up to commit armed robbery, then try to doublecross each other for the loot.

I have seen this movie many many times. When I was a teenager I had this recorded from HBO on a vhs tape. I would frequently watch it after school while doing my homework. I haven’t had a vcr for several years and lost track of that tape long ago. It’s probably my favorite movie that I don’t own in any format. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it and I was concerned It might not hold up.

It holds up. It’s just as funny if no more funny now. The cast is great. I’m not sure Kevin Kline has been better. I always hoped they would follow up with a sequel. There was a second movie with the same cast but as different characters and a fpdifferent plot called Fierc Creatures which I didn’t lik as much. But there is this.

There’s crime, violence, and sexy stuff but all are for comedic effect. Very much recommended.

282. Mystic River

With a childhood tragedy that overshadowed their lives, three men are reunited by circumstance when one has a family tragedy.

A star studded cast with Clint Eastwood directing. A very intense, well crafted drama with dark undertones. Sean Penn and Tim Robbins won oscars forbest actor and best supporting actor respectively. 

It’s a hard movie to watch, at times. You never know quite here it’s leading,. You ty was o figure out in your head but hey keep throwing you off which has an emotional payoff at he is nd. Upon repeat viewing it’s still compelling knowing how it ends and seeing it from a different perspective.

The only diwnsid app s it’s pretty depressing, but sometimes you want to see a well crafted story with an emotional charge. Recommended.

281. All Good Things

Mr. David Marks was suspected but never tried for killing his wife Katie who disappeared in 1982, but the truth is eventually revealed.

Based on the true story of Robert Durst. In fact his film led to a series of interviews with Durst which in turn offers a conviction. This film doesn’t state any opinion. It leaves it open ended, but it is fascinating. Very well made and interesting story. It’s so weird that it’s true.

I seem to be watching a lot of Ryan Gosling films. He’s just a compelling actor. And dreamy I guess? My friend refers to him as that good looking guy. It’s also nice that o see Kirsten Dunst getting work. She’s also very good in this.

There is a little profanity, a couple of sex scenes and some violence. I recommend it.