
As of right now I basicly only have 3 places I can get up from.

I have a lift chair in my living room. I can get up from that 99% of the time. I can usually get up on the first try. Sitting in it was only a problem in certain situations. I had these track pants that I would start to slide down the chair while I was lowering. I have since donated those pants. Devil pants.

I can sit down on my toilet 100% no trouble. Getting up is a challenge. I can do it first try about 75-80% of the time first try. It is both a raised toilet seat on a commode that sits higher than the actual toilet. It works for me. I can sit on my bed no trouble.

I rarely can stand up the first try. If it were as much as an inch higher I think that would make all the difference. I wonder if it’s also me being still a little sleepy still.

I have very little to no strength in my legs. To stand up I need to be high enough to get my left leg straight or almost straight, push myself up with my arms and bring the right leg up to lick.  The left chair almost gets it straight. Toilet and bed I have to almost launchpad myself up.

i have a wheel chair I can’t stand up from. I can’t go anywhere with out sitting in it,

. When I get home, I have a special board I can slide over with. I have a walker with a seat I also can’t get off of.

As little as 3 years ago I could get up from my couch wheelchair and a couple stools. I now cannot do any of that.


I can drink milk, lemonade, water, and iced tea. I also get to have Italian ice jello, vanilla yogurt, ice cream, and beef and chicken broth. I can also have milkshakes, slushies, juices, and smoothies. Anything without parts in it. Like I canot have applesauce or mashed potatoes. I mostly crave eggs and doritos. I get a snack salty craving. I’m not sure why eggs because it wasn’t my favorite thing. Most other food I dont mind seeing. I watch cooking shows and I dont mibd others eating in front of me. I do bvb t, however, want to go to a restaurant. That might be too much for me. Imagine a place where its sole purpose is to make things you can’t have. If I did try to eat something I probably couldn’t swallow it and end up choking having to cough it up. When I think about eating things, my stomach churns a little.

309. Predestination.

For his final assignment, a top temporal agent must pursue the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time.

I had not heard of this movie from 2014 until just recently. It was on a list of hidden science fiction gems. Its not about space and spaceships or robots or monsters. It’s about time travel which I always like. I don’t feel like that’s giving anything away, but it’s not exactly clear from the start.

I like Ethan Hawks and this confirms that. I think he’s really underrated. The rest of the cast, I don’t really know but also well done.

You really have to pay attention. That’s all I really want to say about the plot. Even telling you that might be too much. But it’s really well worth your time. My head was dizzy by the end but in a good way.

There is a brief sex scene, mike violence (relative to other stuff these days) and a fair amount of swearing. Very much a recommendation.

308. Garden State

A quietly troubled young man returns home for his mother’s funeral after being estranged from his family for a decade.

I really love this movie. It’s weird and quirky. Funny sad and sweet. One of my favorites.

I sometimes wonder if Natalie Portman can really act at all. She does in this one. She’s just so weird in this I wonder if her character has some kind of mental problem. She does meet him at the neurologist and isn’t clear on why exactly. And she wears a helmet. Maybe that’s part of the Manic pixie dream girl thing.

Who knew JD from Scrubs could write and direct. I wanted his follow up to be as good but it just wasn’t. Recommended. Also, the soundtrack is amazing.

307. Gerald’s Game

While trying to spice up their marriage in their remote lake house, Jessie must fight to survive when her husband dies unexpectedly, leaving her handcuffed to their bed frame.

At first I found this a bit perverse. Well it is a bit kinky. But it’s based on a Stephen King book, so it gets much weirder.

Like any movie with a single setting or limited space, it’s mostly talking with very little action. There is a little action. It’s interesting to see how she deals with her predicament. Saying too much would be spoilers. But if you do watch it be prepared for long stretches of dialogue with momentarily scary bits.

There’s no actual sex, but the very premise is sexual in nature. There’s swearing and there are gruesome bits. It’s up to you. I found it merely ok.

305. Spider-man: Homecoming

Peter Parker balances his life as an ordinary high school student in Queens with his superhero alter-ego Spider-Man, and finds himself on the trail of a new menace prowling the skies of New York City.

After the 3 previous films left me undatisfied, I was curious if the newest version would be able to do any better. Marvel at the helm now in association with Sony (who own the rights) cement him in the Marvel cinematic universe. Complete with Iron Man cameos and references to previous movies.

It’s better than most but not the best. There’s a lot going on and it’s not all good. I think part of what I find hard is that Peter is a kid but acts like a kid. What I like about the character is out of costume, Peter is a nerdy teenager, but in costume a cool, hero. This movie makes Spider-Man still a kid, inept, and not really heroic. He means well but so many ways held back. I think I prefer the first Spider-Man film. I will say it is a fun movie and I like a actually young looking Peter. And obviously delighted by a cameo at the end. M gripes are just that of an aging comic book fan, so t might not bother you.

Violencebut little else objectionable. Recommended.

304. Incredible Hulk

​Bruce Banner, a scientist on the run from the U.S. Government, must find a cure for the monster he turns into, whenever he loses his temper.
I feel like Hulk is underappreciated I’m the line of Marvel films. Granted I wasn’t a huge fan upon initial viewing. I’ve warmed to it.

I’m not sure any of the plot threads will carry over. Even the main actor didn’t carry over. We will not see Liv Tyler, The Abomination, or the doctor who was set up to be The Leader, a classic Hulk antagonist.

Anyway,  it’s a fun movie.  None of these films are “thinkers “, just fun seeing Hulk smash.  Recommended.

303. Forrest Gump

The life of Forrest Gump, a slow-witted but kind-hearted, good-natured and athletically prodigious man from Alabama, who witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century.

I would call this a modern classic.  A great combination of great acting,  small personal moments with epic events and modern technology in film making (at the time).

Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Sally Field, and  Mykelti Williamson all deliver great performances. Also a very young Haley Joel Osment.  

I am not sure what else to say but if you haven’t seen it you owe it to yourself to see it.  

302. Indiana Jones and Last Crudade 

 Dr. Henry Jones, Sr. suddenly goes missing while pursuing the Holy Grail. Eminent archaeologist Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones, Jr. must follow in his father’s footsteps to stop the Nazis from getting their hands on the Holy Grail first.

I am going to go out on a limb and say this is my favorite entry in the series. The first is strong and this builds on that. Temple of Doom was not as great and let’s not discuss the 4th entry.

It has all the great Indiana Jones elements. Action, humor, Nazis and the hat. Sean Connery was a great addition to the cast. Some of the effects are showing their age but I wouldn’t change them. 

Hardly anything overtly offensive.  Maybe a little violent but not graphically. Ok maybe nearvtge end but he had it coming.  Recommended. 

301. The Juror

A juror in a Mafia trial is forced to convince the other jurors to vote not guilty by an obsessive mob enforcer.

I watched this because I thought it was based on a Grisham novel. I’ve seen several movies and they are good. I should read his books. Anyway, not Grisham and not very good.

I don’t want to sound too Pollyanna but it makes fun of the court system. The idea that a juror can be manipulated like that . Or that there is no kind of option for her other than to submit o the Mafia.

I don’t think I liked Alec abaldwin for awhile because he kept playing these jerk characters. He seems to have softened up a lot lately.

I didn’t fully enjoy it but it is passable. It does have some sex, violenc, and swearing. All your R rated classics.