309. Predestination.

For his final assignment, a top temporal agent must pursue the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time.

I had not heard of this movie from 2014 until just recently. It was on a list of hidden science fiction gems. Its not about space and spaceships or robots or monsters. It’s about time travel which I always like. I don’t feel like that’s giving anything away, but it’s not exactly clear from the start.

I like Ethan Hawks and this confirms that. I think he’s really underrated. The rest of the cast, I don’t really know but also well done.

You really have to pay attention. That’s all I really want to say about the plot. Even telling you that might be too much. But it’s really well worth your time. My head was dizzy by the end but in a good way.

There is a brief sex scene, mike violence (relative to other stuff these days) and a fair amount of swearing. Very much a recommendation.

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