299. The Hinger Games: Mockingjay part 2

As the war of Panem escalates to the destruction of other districts, Katniss Everdeen, the reluctant leader of the rebellion, must bring together an army against President Snow, while all she holds dear hangs in the balance.

Yes, I did randomly watch part 4 of the trilogy (its complicated). Not because it’s the best but it’s available. It’s not a bad installment. Very different and far removed from the first. It’s neat to have a franchise grow and continue the story, escalating to the finale.

I’m not sure what like the end. But I am thankful it does have an end. And glad it’s not drawn out and overly long like Retturn of the King. Someday I will have to watch all 4 movies back to back. Lots of violence. Not anything lee objectionable. Recommended afterseeingbparts 1 2 and 3.

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