294. Drive

A mysterious Hollywood stuntman and mechanic moonlights as a getaway driver and finds himself in trouble when he helps out his neighbor.

I had been wanting to see this but never got around to finally seeing it.  I’m not sure why I waited.

A very engaging movie. It gripped my attention right away. Ryan Goslingbis great as the nameless and fairly silent character. I swear I think he only has a dozen lines in the whole film but he’s in nearly every scene. The action is great, the plot makes sense until the end. 

One possible problem with a character who doesn’t say a lot is that you’re not sure what he’s thinking or why he’s doing anything. You sort of need to figure out his reasons for yourself. That’s not bad but I was confused by the ending a little. Why x but not y? No spoilers.

There is one brief scene of nudity, a fair amount of swearing and a lot of graphic violence. I really liked it. Recommended.

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