267. Inglorious Bastards

In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a plan to assassinate Nazi leaders by a group of Jewish U.S. soldiers coincides with a theatre owner’s vengeful plans for the same.

I think I had seen this twice. Once in theaters and onc on DVD, but I really like it. I like that Director Quentin Tarantino deviates from his normal genre and does a period piece. It’s hard to pidgeomholethis into a genre. It’s almost a comedy but it’s not. Almost a drama but it’s not. It’s not a feel good movie or an action movie. It’s just entertaining and sometimes quietly menacing, and other times violent. It is during the war however.

I remember after first seeing it having a problem with the end. I guess it’s not bad but it was an odd choice you can be the judge.

Lots of swearing, previously mentioned violence  and a brief scene of sex. Recommended.

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