301. The Juror

A juror in a Mafia trial is forced to convince the other jurors to vote not guilty by an obsessive mob enforcer.

I watched this because I thought it was based on a Grisham novel. I’ve seen several movies and they are good. I should read his books. Anyway, not Grisham and not very good.

I don’t want to sound too Pollyanna but it makes fun of the court system. The idea that a juror can be manipulated like that . Or that there is no kind of option for her other than to submit o the Mafia.

I don’t think I liked Alec abaldwin for awhile because he kept playing these jerk characters. He seems to have softened up a lot lately.

I didn’t fully enjoy it but it is passable. It does have some sex, violenc, and swearing. All your R rated classics.


300. CBGB

A look at the New York City punk-rock scene and the venerable nightclub, CBGB.

Originally planned to be a venue and bar for country music (CBGB stands for country, blue grass blues). It eventually became the place to be for punk and rock music. It had early shows of acts like Blondie, The Talking Heads, Tge Ramones and many others.

I’m not sure if you’re not into music this might not appeal to you. All the live acts are to polished studio versions of songs. I think that’s to help make it more accessible to everybody but it feels weird.

There’s also no real narrative persay. Just a series of things that happen. It’s interesting, but most biopics have some kind of narrative. Not so much a “one time this happened.” Not really bad, but odd.

I’m a music junkies so I enjoyed it a lot. Obviously, there are sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

299. The Hinger Games: Mockingjay part 2

As the war of Panem escalates to the destruction of other districts, Katniss Everdeen, the reluctant leader of the rebellion, must bring together an army against President Snow, while all she holds dear hangs in the balance.

Yes, I did randomly watch part 4 of the trilogy (its complicated). Not because it’s the best but it’s available. It’s not a bad installment. Very different and far removed from the first. It’s neat to have a franchise grow and continue the story, escalating to the finale.

I’m not sure what like the end. But I am thankful it does have an end. And glad it’s not drawn out and overly long like Retturn of the King. Someday I will have to watch all 4 movies back to back. Lots of violence. Not anything lee objectionable. Recommended afterseeingbparts 1 2 and 3.

298. Colossal 

Gloria is an out-of-work party girl forced to leave her life in New York City, and move back home. When reports surface that a giant creature is destroying Seoul, she gradually comes to the realization that she is somehow connected to this phenomenon.

I had seen the trailer and was interested. It looked very funny and offbeat. So I sat down with my step mother and watched it. 

I know trailers lie, but the trailer makes it look like a funny movie, but it’s really played straight. I looked at other reviews who call it a witty satire and how it comments on the human condition. That sounds like snooty BS. I didn’t take any sort of social commentary from it at all. It’s a funny concept they play seriously. Am I supposed to find that funny? Just the fact that she gets blackout drunk and has a jerky abusive boss don’t seem all that funny to me.

There are some jokes and humorous moments but it’s not very good. Language and lots and lots of drinking. Not recommended.

297. Gattaca

A genetically inferior man assumes the identity of a superior one in order to pursue his lifelong dream of space travel.

I like it when futuristic movies are only a little futuristic. There’s no flying cars or robots or things like that. Technology has advanced but humanity has faltered somehow. People without perfect genetic structure are outcasts and considered unfavorable. 

This is one of those movies who I feel is good despite its failure at the box office. Maybe the title or the stark nature of the trailer turned people off. Maybe there aren’t enough explosions? I’m not exactly sure. But it is a good movie. 

There are some extremely tame sex scenes that don’t really show anything and a few expletives. Lots of blood. Mostly in blood bags in a refrigerator.  Very much a recommendation.

296. Independence Day: Resurgence

Two decades after the first Independence Day invasion, Earth is faced with a new extra-Solar threat. But will mankind’s new space defenses be enough?

The folllow up to Independence Day from 1996. I think this isn’t a bad movie but doesntvwork for me as a sequel. What I liked about the first one (spoilers but honestly you had 21 years now)  is that despite the aliens advanced technology and firepower, we defeated them by flying a jet into them. Decidedly low tech. A good sequel builds upon the previous foundation andvups the ante. I feel like they just made us now we have space ships so they have a bigger ship. And they trot ou the characters we remember and kill off those we didn’t come back. Propping up poor Robert Loggia is depressing. 

It just lacks the fun that the first one has. It kinda works as a mindless action film but not as fun. Sadly, it’s open for a planne sequel. Let me guess. More spaceships and bigger Aliens?

Not recommended.

295. Robocop

In a dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories.

It is a ridiculous name but also a ridiculous movie. I think the satire of the thing is lost on people who take it straight. The entire point, to me, is that it is over the top. It pokes fun at itself. It is funny in parts. It’s not a big emotional story or anything. I think that’s part of the problem with the remake. They took it way too seriously

If you haven’t seen it, you should. There are some pretty gruesome violent parts near the start. Honestly throughout.  Ok all the time. Profanity also. But I do recommend. 

294. Drive

A mysterious Hollywood stuntman and mechanic moonlights as a getaway driver and finds himself in trouble when he helps out his neighbor.

I had been wanting to see this but never got around to finally seeing it.  I’m not sure why I waited.

A very engaging movie. It gripped my attention right away. Ryan Goslingbis great as the nameless and fairly silent character. I swear I think he only has a dozen lines in the whole film but he’s in nearly every scene. The action is great, the plot makes sense until the end. 

One possible problem with a character who doesn’t say a lot is that you’re not sure what he’s thinking or why he’s doing anything. You sort of need to figure out his reasons for yourself. That’s not bad but I was confused by the ending a little. Why x but not y? No spoilers.

There is one brief scene of nudity, a fair amount of swearing and a lot of graphic violence. I really liked it. Recommended.

293. El Laberinto del fauno (Pan’s Labyrinth)

In the falangist Spain of 1944, the bookish young stepdaughter of a sadistic army officer escapes into an eerie but captivating fantasy world.

A great little movie. Using a lot of practical effects and great acting, direction, and set design. The mood is dark, creepy but also fantastical. 

The backdrop of the war Spain in the 40s is especially grim. You could see the fantasy world as the young girls coping mechanism o escape the cruel realities of war. Or you can take it literally. The fact that others can’t see them because only she can being the queen of the Underworld. Either way it is an njoyable movie.

despite it being a fantasy film, it’s not cactly a children’s film. It has violence and really disturbing scenes, especially towards the end. It’s also in Spanish with English subtitles if you don’t speak Spanish. I would recommend it.

292. Over Her Dead Body

A ghost tries to sabotage her former boyfriend’s current relationship with a psychic.
Usually I might try a dumb sounding movie if I like the actors or director. I like Paul Rudd and Lake Bell. So I gave it a try.

The first half hour or so is pretty great as far as romantic comedies go. The two have good chemistry and it’s a fun relationship. TheN the ghost of Eva Longoria shows up and it gets predictably stupid. Like extra stupid. I stayed with it in hopes that it would get less bad and less weird. It didn’t

The whole haunting thing as a comedy is weird. There’s a really bizarre subplot with Jason Biggs that is very uncomfortable. It’s a poorly executed joke that is just super creepy.

Not a fan. Do not recommend.