259. Hidden Figures

The story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program.

I had only briefly knew of this story before this movie cane out.  It still amazes me that things were still so segregated. I was born after things were actually labelled. Not to mention tgat these were African American but also females. NASA did seem to be ok with women. 

Anyway, it is a very enjoyable interesting film. All of the lead actresses are compelling and very good. Even singer Janelle Monae is good. Kevin Costner and Kirsten Dunst have minor roles too.

No bad laugage or sexuality.  The main theme of the movie deals with race so there are some troubling scenes, mostly with Jim Parsons (Tv’s Sheldon Cooper). Recommended. 

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