258. A Monster Calls

A boy seeks the help of a tree monster to cope with his single mother’s terminal illness.

You had me at tree monster.

A movie I hadn’t heard of but gave it a shot. It really is engaged me. Maybe I was emotional about something but it grabbed hold of me. The boys mother was on hint but the monster he conjures is pretty terrifying. He’s big and has fire on n his eyes, sounds lk Liam Neeson doing a Batman voic, and he tells these messed up stories. This is a bad analogy, but if you remember the old Family Circus cartoons where the kid misbehaved and the mother would say “who did this?” And the child would reply “not me” and behind them an imp named not me was hiding. This is kind of that but instead of a playful imp, it’s a tree monster. Also, not stupid like Family circus is. I did a bad analogy.

The cast is good. The kid is good, it’s nice to see Sigourney Weaver still doing good work. Felicity Jones can actually act and have emotions and nlike her wooden performance in Rogue One. I liked Rogue Onebut she was a little one note.

The monster is scary at first and it s kinda about cancer so it’s emotional. Not really any swearing or sexuality. Recommended.

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