216. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

The Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together as they unravel the mystery of Peter Quill’s true parentage.

What a fun movie. The fist one was great. Silly, irreverent and unlike any superhero movie before it. This one just adds to the myths. It would be easy to just repeat the formula of the first one, but writer/directorJames Gunn makes an action superhero movie that is funny and touching at times.im not sure you need to see he first one to enjoy this, but the first is the origin while this is a continuation. There are also plenty of references for comic fans.

Lots of action and comic ok type violenc. A little swearing, but lots of it is from a talking raccoon, so…highly recommended.

215. The Founder

The story of Ray Kroc, a salesman who turned two brothers’ innovative fast food eatery, McDonald’s, into one of the biggest restaurant businesses in the world with a combination of ambition, persistence and ruthlessness.

I only know the name Ray Kroc from the weird memorial plaques in some McDonalds. I did not know that not only did he not invent the idea but stole it from the McDonald brothers. The way it sits at the end is just plain mean.. I remember seeing the old style McDonalds in Phoenix. They tore it down and built an Arby’s because we can’t have nice things. Anyway…

Michael Keaton is great. He had some quiet years but after Birdman, he seems back in the spotlight. Laura Dern also seems to be popping up everywhere lately.  Also a nice turn as the under appreciated wife. 

It’s a pretty good movie even if you’re not into McDonalds. There’s no violence or six or things blowing up. There is some language, but I feel like that’s commonplace. Not saying it’s right or wrong, just saying it is. Recommended.

214. Rear Window

A wheelchair-bound photographer spies on his neighbours from his apartment window and becomes convinced one of them has committed murder

The 2nd in my Hitchcock double feature last weekend. I had not seen this one so it was suspenseful for me. Maybe I m jaded but I did not think it would be no the way it did. It also had mor funny moments than I thought it would. Jimmy Stewart’s character had a very dry wit.
I wondered about a few things of the era. In the mid 1950s was it acceptable for two adults to spend the night together? Just sleeping. You don’t see them in bed but she does have a pretty elaborate nightgown and it’s implied she is staying with him. I am also pretty sure that the “torso” across the courtyard would be considered pretty racy even though in today’s lifestyle that would be old lady underwear. If made today she’d probably be naked. 

There’s a little peril and 1950s style scandalous sex. Nothing else objectionable, recommended.

213. Dial M for Murder

An ex-tennis pro carries out a plot to murder his wife. When things go wrong, he improvises a brilliant plan B.

Maybe one of my favorite Hitchcock films. It really has a nice suspenceful tone that Hitchcock did so well.  Between Ray Milland’s scheming husband to Grace Kelly as the helpless wife, and Robert Cummings as the ex flame who is sure something is up, the cast is top notch and well acted.

The story is pretty straight forward. It was made in the 1950s so nothing is overwrought or explicit. It’s a genuine classic thriller that delivers a satisfying conclusion. Highly recommended.

212. StavTrek VI: The Undiscovered Country

On the eve of retirement, Kirk and McCoy are charged with assassinating the Klingon High Chancellor and imprisoned. The Enterprise crew must help them escape to thwart a conspiracy aimed at sabotaging the last best hope for peace.

The final film featuring the original crew at a he same time. After getting popular 4th installment (the one with the whales), and the disappointing 5th film (Shatner directed), this is an improvement. Lots of classic elements. Political intrigue, Klingons, Romulan Ale, space Battles, and Captain Sulu. 

The version I watched was the theatrical. There is an extended cut that makes a lot more sense storywise. I wish that had been put out in the first place. It’s still a pretty great Star Trek film. I would say 2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 3, 9. 10, 5. I’m not counting new Trek. Those are 1 2 3. Worse with every addition.

Anyway, lots of space fighting, pink blood, Kirk gets it on with Iman who has urns out, well you have to see. Nothing overt or offensive really. Recommended.

Also, look out for the cameos. 

211. 10 Cloverfield Lane

After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter with two men, who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack.

A semi follow up to Cloverfield, but not early but it is. Confusing? You have to see it.

I like this movie as it keeps you guessing. It’s not clear about the mans motivations for keeping the woman in his shelter. There seems to be evidence both ways that seem to support both views, but nothing is solid. It really keeps you guessing  and engaged even though it takes place in one mostly confined space,

I really like Mary Elizabeth Winstead. John Good,an can play creepy really really well and other times rally nice. It’s hard to really tell what’s going on inside his head. That’s a good thing.

There’s some swearing, some intense scenes and a bit of violence. I will say the end is crazy but sort of satisfying. Recommended 

210. Cloverfield

A group of friends venture deep into the streets of New York on a rescue mission during a rampaging monster attack.

Shot in POV form. A pseudo found footage movie chronicling the moments before and during an attack by an unknown creature.

I liked that the cast was mostly unknown at the time. Lizzie Caplan and TJ Miller is the only ones I recognize now. I feel like sometimes when you have big names you know they’re going to make it to the end. A Buck Willis or James Franco are probably going to be ok. With a group of unknowns you really don’t know.

It is a preetty good movie. Tension and more curious about the monster than anything. If you aren’t going to be satisfied without an explanation of why, maybe you should skip it. In the context of the film, these are just a group of friends. If they tried to have a guy who knew everything, that would be weird.

There is some swearing, lots of violence, very Enjoyable. Recommended.

209. Se7en

Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his motives.

One of my favorites. I actually got out the DVD to watch this. I remember seeing it in theaters more than once. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it though.

Both Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt give great performances. Even Gwyneth Paltrows minor role is heads above others. They follow or more likely led through a series of grisly murders with cruel variations of the 7 deadly sins. It is pretty graphic sometimes but not glorified.

Some intense action, gruesome murders, a little profanity. But a good movie. Recommended.

208. Miss Sloane

In the high-stakes world of political power-brokers, Elizabeth Sloane is the most sought after and formidable lobbyist in D.C. But when taking on the most powerful opponent of her career, she finds winning may come at too high a price.

This film has been on my watch list all year. I wasn’t sure how much I needed to know about Washington DC lobbyists in advance. Turns out, nothing.

I like Jessica Chastain. She seems to choose a wide variety of roles. She is very good in this one. She has that strong but deeply flawed person down pat.  She is working towards a goal to the very end. It starts off with her already in trouble and flash backs and to fill you in. The end is extremely satisfying.

There’s a little s duality, a bit of swearing. It’s a political thriller of sorts so not a lot of action with violence and car chases. Recommended.