226. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Devastated Peter takes a Hawaiian vacation in order to deal with the recent break-up with his TV star girlfriend, Sarah. Little does he know, Sarah’s traveling to the same resort as her ex – and she’s bringing along her new boyfriend.

Full disclaimer sure, I love Kristen Bell. She’s cute, funny, and a good actress. Unfortunately, most of the movies she makes are pretty terrible. With a few exc potions that is. This is one of them.

Jason Seagal is really the star of this film. His lovable dope character is both cringeworthy but livable. I don’t even really mind the full frontal no scene. I mean I could live without it but it is funny.  It really is one of the only real nud scenes in the film so, ok. This film also introduced Russell Brand to American  audiences.  It is a real modern day omantic comedy with it’s fair share of crude humor but the musical bumbers are fun.

There’s no violence, a fair amount of fairly graphic fully clothed or hidden s x, and profanity. It is in my top ten though. So, recommended.

225. The Count of Monte Cristo

A young man, falsely imprisoned by his jealous “friend,” escapes and uses a hidden treasure to exact his revenge.

I’ve never read the book or even know the story so this is my first exposure to the story. Doing a little research turns up that they cut out some character connects and omitted entire characters. I still think it’s an interesting story. Interesting.

Jim Caviezel plays the titular Count. He’s always seemed a mysterious actor. I’ve only seen him in a handful of things but he brings a rugged seriousness to everything.  Guy Pierc is also an odd guy. All together in one film.

The action and sword fights are great as are he more reflective emotional bits. It does have its faults but they are slight.

Being a period piece there isn’t a lot of sexuality or swearing really. Lots of swordplay and violence though. Recommended.

224. Alien Covenant 

The crew of a colony ship, bound for a remote planet, discover an uncharted paradise with a threat beyond their imagination, and must attempt a harrowing escape.

Depending on what you consider past of theAlien series, this is either the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th movie in the series. Anyway, it’s certainly a follow up to Prometheus and shares a lot of similarities with the original 1979 film. There are nods but also a lot more elements to it. Cool elements.

What bugs me is the ending. No spoilers but there’s no final resolution. Director Ridley Scott has expressed a desire to make several more so this is just leaving the story open for sequels. There is a way to wrap up the story yet leave room for a sequel. However I don’t think this is the way to do it.

Lots of really cool action scenes. Fun stuff. There’s lots of everything. Nudity, swearing, violence. But it is an midern action film so maybe that’s required? I don’t know. Sometimes when you’re being chased by a giant alien, you’re gonna say a swear word. Recommended 

223. The Italian Job (2003)

After being betrayed and left for dead in Italy, Charlie Croker and his team plan an elaborate gold heist against their former ally.

I had heard of the original 1969 version with Michael Caine but never seen it. I decided to watch this remake. It really is an almost all star cast. I have seen a few Charlize Theron movies and I think she’s really Underrated as an actress. Maybe not. She is an Oscar winner.

The story is kinda thin. They steal gold, they get it stolen they plan to steal it back. What really holds it together are the action scenes and the elaborate planning that goes on. It’s really a great big advert for the Mini Cooper. Similar to the old film using the old style Mini. But it really ties together for an enjoyable film.

Nothing overtlyvsexual,or violent really. Mostly mild. A few expletives and general face paced action. Recommended.

222. Annie Hall

Neurotic New York comedian Alvy Singer falls in love with the ditzy Annie Hall.

This is quite simply a love story. It has funny moments and sad and cringed moments and heart breaking. The courtship the relationship the ups the downs and the enevitable end.  It is a comedy so there are more jokes than dramatic moments.  

It really is a great film. Well written, great characters. The Title character was created for Diane Keaton who is great.  Woody, doing his patented neurotic Jewish New Yorker bit.

I think this character is how some people think he’s like in real life. I prefer to go along with that than speculate on various personal problems. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.

Several discussions about sex. Very light swearing, I’ve heard worse on TV. Recommended.

221. Adaptation

A lovelorn screenwriter becomes desperate as he tries and fails to adapt ‘The Orchid Thief’ by Susan Orlean for the screen.

This movie is so meta. It’s not actually an adaptation of this novel but a story about trying to adapt this novel.  The main characters are real people (mostly) being played by actors.  It gets a bit crazy towards the nudity I think that’s the point of it,  it also is a unique take, a very original idea. This is the writer who’s previous film involved a portal into the mind of actor John Malcovich. 

The rumor is that writer Charlie Kaufman was unable to adapt this novel and turned in this script thinking it would ruin his career. In the end, he won an Oscar for it.

It’s a real thinker. But it does have its moments. You have to think about it afterwards.  I don’t want to get too much into plot. It’s rated R. I’m not your mother. However, I was not prepared for the opening scene which involves what I consider a fairly realstic scene of a woman giving birth. I’m a single guy with no kids so this is alien to me. I have accidentally managed to see this a few times before and it’s always weird. Anyway. Recommended.

220. Thor: The Dark World

In ancient times, the gods of Asgard fought and won a war against an evil race known as the Dark Elves. The survivors were neutralized, and their ultimate weapon — the Aether — was buried in a secret location. Hundreds of years later, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) finds the Aether and becomes its host, forcing Thor (Chris Hemsworth) to bring her to Asgard before Dark Elf Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) captures her and uses the weapon to destroy the Nine Realms — including Earth.

Lengthy summary. The second Thor movie. I may have seen this a couple times in theaters. I might like this more than the first one. It may have to do with it most,y taking place in Asgard and not New Mexico, I think Natalie Portman was contractually obligated to do this film. She didn’t want to. At times it shows.

As far as Marvel movies go, it’s not at the top of the list, but it’s still a good film. Solid action. Lots of action actually. Comic book violence with faceless warriors being defeated. One minor expletive and nothing really that bad. I think maybe it got a higher rating because there’s not a lot of humor and things are very grim and dark. There is a crazy naked guy but it’s pixelated and players for laughs but otherwise very serious. Recommended.

219. Equilibrium

In a fascist future where all forms of feeling are illegal, a man in charge of enforcing the law rises to overthrow the system.

It was described as similar to The Matrix and Minority Report. Those are both solid action movies with a science fiction twist. Movies with something to say. I would say this film as less similar and more trying to copy those films and not doing as well.

The entire premise is that emotion has been eliminated from society and anything of beauty or vanity or any thing that would cause an emotional response, are illegal. The punishment for even a book is death. The emotions are in check with a drug. Christian Bale plays the top emtion killer. He skips a dose and that’s where it falls apart.

For a world devoid of emotions, a lot of people seem to be motivated by arrogance, anger and fear. I fail to see how that’s not based on emotions. The Vulcans on Star Trek suppress emotions but they are not unable to feel. They just hide it, focus on logic and don’t let it overwhelm them. I think killing for emotions is too extreme

The action scenes are nice. While the Matrix seemed almost fluid and choreographed, these are a little more rough. In fact the first big scene is almost completely in the dark. But they are interesting.

Nothing sexual and only two or 3 expletives. Lots of violence most of it bloodless. One unnecessary scene of dogs being killed. Dogs cause emotional response. If you’re looking for a film that is a poor version of the Matrix or found Minority Report too high brow, this is for you. Otherwise I wouldn’t recommend.

218. Pacific Rim

As a war between humankind and monstrous sea creatures wages on, a former pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special weapon in a desperate effort to save the world from the apocalypse.

Wow. I saw this in theaters. A real blockbuster action movie. It’s got giant monsters. Giant robots. Guys driving giant robots.  Action drama. Personal drama, shady businessmen, scientists, soldiers. It’s just a good solid action flick with a heart.

In a medium full of sequels and adaptations, this is a fresh property. Sure it takes elements from other works, but it creates something new. I personally love the marvel films and I will see as many Star Wars or Star Trek movies they put out. I think I need to support things like this. A solid scienc fiction movie that is co,pleyely new. And it’s good too.

There is nothing sexual and very little swearing, lots of robots fighting big scary monsters. Lots of action. Recommended.

217. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (2009)

Remake of the 1956 film noir film “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” in which a writer’s plan to expose a corrupt district attorney takes an unexpected turn.

A random selection knowing nothing about it except it has Michael Douglas on in it. It starts off kind of slow. A lot of set up for a shortish film. It picks up towards the end but there are plot holes you could derive a trick through. Then the end is just flat out stupid and out of nowhere.

I can’t in good conscience recommend it.