236. Nocturnal Animals

A wealthy art gallery owner receives a draft of her ex-husband’s new novel, and once she starts reading it she just cannot put it down.

The synopsis I first saw said David Lynch meets Alfred Hitchcock. Well, 2 of my favorites. It does not deliver. Ok the opening credits feature plus sized ladies dancing while completely naked is kinda Lynchian, it is easily explained as performance art. Lynch would not explain it.

There is a story in a story here. The framework is a woman reconnecting with an ex husband while remembering how their relationship began. It’s pretty dry stuff. But the story in the novel is also shown. It’s far more dompelling, A family is attacked and a cop and the husband track down the assailants. It’s far more interesting.

It is rather depressing though. I really like Amy Adams so it’s unfortunate.

Previously mentioned nudity and lots of it and more. Swearing and violence. Blah.

235. Dark Blue

A robbery homicide investigation triggers a series of events that will cause a corrupt LAPD officer to question his tactics.

The less said about this the better. For a movie from 2002 it sure feels like a low budget 80s film. Kurt Russell deserves better. Not impressed by Scott Speedman. He always seems apathetic. I feel like a similar plot was done better in Training Day. So maybe go see that instead. Not recommended.

234. The Bone Collector

A quadriplegic ex-homicide detective and his female partner try to track down a serial killer who is terrorizing New York City.

An odd choice for Denzel. His character spends 95% of the movie laying in be. I’m not sure if hat makes it easier. It might be harder having to emote and act without use of his body. Angelina Jolie is good as ever. I wonder why she doesn’t act anymore.

The story s interesting but not complicated. Entertaining but not really taxing on your brain. There are plenty of grisly murders to distract you from the thin plot. I ask myself why they keep using the rookie. When Denzel’s character was hurt, did they not fill his position? Are there no other more experienced cops in the whole city? Oh well.

No sexuality. Lots of swearing and lots of violent gross scenes. Somewhat recommended.

233. Gone Baby Gone

Two Boston area detectives investigate a little girl’s kidnapping, which ultimately turns into a crisis both professionally and personally.

What a dark, depressing movie. Interesting but dark. It’s not one of those movies you enjoy but it is aood film. Who knew the 2nd worst Jack Ryan would be a good Director. I use to say I didn’t care for Casey Affleck but he really carries this movie. Also, it seems lots of films has a Morgan Freeman type or an Ed Harris type. This film has both.

The story is a lot about kid napping and, weirdly, parenting. It is really awful that there are actual people who would leave a 4 year old at home alone to go out partying. Who see kids as just another thing. Or like a pet.

I don’t agree with the ending. It just seems unnecessarily bleak. But I think that’s by design, not a real flaw.

Overall a good film. Lots of violence swearing, other disturbing things. Recommended with caution.

232. Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Scott Pilgrim must defeat his new girlfriend’s seven evil exes in order to win her heart.

Based on the graphic novel, I really love this movie. I like the cast, the direction and the general style and feel of this. A roll that seems tailored for Michael Cera. I think I’ve expressed my affinity for Mary Elizabeth Winstead. The supporting cast is a pretty good pool of great young actresses. Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Alison Pill, and Brie Larson to name a few.

There’s action, romance comedy, and pretty good music too. I find myself thinking of the songs later wishing I had the soundtrack on my iPod. It’s that good. 

There’s some profanity. All the fight scenes are in an over the top style and comedic. It’s pretty fun. Recommended.

231. Mystic Pizza

Three teenage girls come of age while working at a pizza parlor in the Connecticut town of Mystic.

From 1988. One of Julia Roberts first films. Two years before her big break in Pretty Woman. I think this was her first film as a lead with Annabeth Gish and Lili Taylor.

It’s really a coming of age, romantic comedy.  It didn’t really break any new ground. I didn’t dislike it but it wasn’t anything I have seen many times before, 

I have always liked Annabeth Gish.

I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had seen it before and it was a nostalgia thing.

There’s swearing and talk of sex in relationships. One whole subplot is about sex. I’m sort of 50/50 on the recommendation. It’s an ok film but you don’t need to rush out and see it. There’s like, no explosions, car chases, or people dying and getting shot.

230. The Thing

A research facility in Antarctica comes across an alien force that can become anything it touches with 100% accuracy. The  members must now find out who’s human and who’s not before it’s too late.
I consider this to be one of the modern horror thriller classics. I base this only on word of mouth. I had never seen it until now.

It certainly is creepy and scary. I’m not a huge fan if horror.  Gross body stuff and mutations I can handle. Jump scares I can’t. This movie did scare me though.  It may have to do with the isolation of the setting. Knowing that if they didn’t solve it, they’re next. There’s no hope of a rescue.

There is a fair amount of profanity.  There is a lot of violence and disturbing images.  It is a horror film. It’s not my cup of tea but you might enjoy it. 

229. Wiener-dog

A dachshund passes from oddball owner to oddball owner, whose radically dysfunctional lives are all impacted by the pooch.

I need raptors stat out by saying this sounds like a sweet movie about a cute dog.  It is NOT for kids. The dog is cute but not a sweet movie. The dog isn’t abused he’s just kinda around these weird people. That’s the thrust of the movie. Messed up people who have a dog.

There are a few very unsettling scenes in this.

I have to say, do not see this movie unless you hate yourself. If you are a dog lover do not even read up on this movie. It will upset you. Mayb that’s the intent? But it just feels unnecessary. With an unnecessary ending. I like Todd Solondz’s other films. Some are challenging and interesting this is just stupid and bad. Or maybe if you have to turn it off before the end when the old lady wakes up. My advice is still avoid at all costs.

228. 8 mm

A private investigator is hired to discover if a “snuff film” is authentic or not.

Another movie I thought I had seen but don’t remember any of it. Not even a little. And som aspects you think I would remember.

I think this film wants to be a day by diving into a dark underbelly of sadists and kinky perverts. It’s not really socially conscious or higher form of art of any kind. To just being graphic for the sake of being graphic. That just makes it uncomfortable to watch.

By he way, sniff films are urban legends. They don’t exist. I know this movie isn’t real, but I don’t want anybody else o do honk that things like this exist.

Lots of weird sexual stuff including talk of porn. Lots of swearing. Lots of violence. Not great. Not recommended.

227. Deja Vu

After a ferry is bombed in New Orleans, an A.T.F. agent joins a unique investigation using experimental surveillance technology to find the bomber, but soon finds himself becoming obsessed with one of the victims.

Denzel Washington seems to elevate whatever he appears in. Even an otherwise drab film, he seems to make better. In other hands this might be a rather drab action, mystery film. I think Denzel makes it work.

I do have some problems with the…rules of film. Saying anything more would give away too much. Also don’t watch the trailer. It gives away far too much. Just take my word for it. It’s a good film. If you like Denzel.