207. Reasonable Doubt

A District Attorney has his life turned upside down when he’s involved in a hit and run and another man is arrested for his crime and charged with murder.

Sometimes it’s hard to find the right movie for the mood you’re in. I thought I was in for a good action thriller. What I got was different. While entertaining I found the plot predictable and petty formulaic. I want to be surprised in a movie. I am not writer, so if I can see it coming, you know that’s a problem.

The action bits, while infrequent ate well done. There’s no real tension. The only real mystery was how the hit and run would resolve itself. What is his ultimate fate? That left me with a sour taste.

I know it sounds like I didn’t like it, but I did. There’s a little violence and a lot of profanity. I can’t really recommend but it’s not a bad choice if you’re looking for something.

206. Ghost in the Shell

In the near future, Major is the first of her kind: A human saved from a terrible crash, who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world’s most dangerous criminals.

A live action remake of the classic anime film based on the Manga. I dont have the luxury of seeing this with fresh eyes.  I’ve seen the original so I will only be able to compare it.  It’s a fairly controversial film with the casting of white American Scarlett Johansson in a film ole that is supposed to be Japanese. Any number of people xcellent Japanese actresses could have been cast. But what’s done s done.

The story differs from the original. The original with its own exploration of identity seems lost or at best, briefly explored and dismissed by the end of the film. There are scenes lifted directly from the original which is fun to see liv action, but then it reminds you of how good he original is.

Lots of action, violenc, and skin tight clothes. It’s ok for what it is.  I’m not going to suggest either way, but I suggest if you do see it, also check out he Anime version.

205. 48 Hrs.

A hard-nosed cop reluctantly teams up with a wise-cracking criminal temporarily paroled to him, in order to track down a killer.

This was Eddie Murphy’s first movie. A popular movie but I had not seen it. I was only 9 when it came out and probably not appropriate. It is interesting that Murphy’s wise cracking movie persona had not fully formed yet. It’s like the first season of a tv show when the character isn’t fully formed yet. For me, this is a good thing. I am mostly annoyed by him. I really only liked him in Trading Places and Coming to America. I like his Donkey but don’t like Shrek.

The plot is pretty straight forward. Nothing overly complex. The racial slurs are a little uncomfortable. A couple women are treated poorly. I guess that’s how things were in the early 1980s. 

Lots of swearing, lots of sexy talk including a very cringe worthy term, one naked girl or 2. Lots of violence. It might be a classic but I’m not a fan.

204. The Words

A writer at the peak of his literary success discovers the steep price he must pay for stealing another man’s work.

I swear I’m not having a Dennis Quaid film festival. This was a movie in my recommendations I tried. It’s OK. It’s a story of a man who writes a book about another man writing a book he can’t sell. He finds an old manuscript and passes that off as his own.

It’s got a great cast. Love Jeremy Irons. T just doesn’t come together for me. Or maybe it comes together too easily? It’s made like it’s supposed to be complicated and thought provoking, but it’s simple and seems pretty clear you don’t steal and you don’t overreact. You also don’t turn down Olivia Wilde because she is gorgeous.

Also is JK Simmons in everything?

A little sexy but nothing xplicit. No real violence. Just a lot if language. .Mostly shit. Not recommended.

203. Sky High

Set in an era where superheroes are commonly known and accepted, young William Stronghold, the son of the Commander and Jetstream, tries to find a balance between being a normal teenager and an extraordinary being.

3 years before Iron Man was this film. Set in a totally separate unique universe with lots of in jokes to other heros is this movie mainly about the children of superheroes, each with their own set of super powers, with varying degrees of usefulness. Early on they are sorted into heroes or sidekicks. This is a Disney kids movie, so obviously by the end the sidekicks become heroes. That’s not really a spoiler because you can see it coming from the start. 

Like I said it’s a kids movie so it doesn’t tug too hard on the brain. It still is fun. I will probably watch anything with Mary Elizabeth Winstead in it. She plays 16 but really is 2so it’s kinda OK.

There is some comic violence, a little peril and some slight peril. Peril is one of my favorite words  I’m not sure why. Anyway, recommended.

202. Vantage Point

The attempted assassination of the American President is told and re-told from several different perspectives.

An interesting concept for a film. Each bit of the story is unfolded as the different characters are featured. Dennis Quaid is better than I think he gets credit for. And William Hurt is the American president. I feel like that’s a major milestone of some kind. To play a fictional president who is somehow better than any president could be. Think Kevin Kline in Dave or Michael Douglas in The American President.

It really is an all star cast. Sigourney Weaver, Zoe Saldana, Quaid, Hurt, Forest Whitaker, and a particular favorite character actor I like, Bruce McGill.

There are minor quibbles. I’m not sure the timelines all add up. Some things take a seemingly longer time than others to get to the same converging point. I didn’t time them. Maybe one part lagged more than another. There are also some leaps of faith that you just have to accept.

There is a fair amount of swearing. The requisite one use of the F word to garner a PG 13 rating. I’m not spoiling anything to say there is a shooting and a bomb or 2 that go off more than once as the timeline repeats at least 8 times. It is a good film that I had not heard of before. Recommended.

201. Take Me

Ray is a fledgling entrepreneur who specializes in high-end simulated abductions. He jumps at the chance when a mysterious client contracts him for a weekend kidnapping with a handsome payday at the end. But the job isn’t all that it seems.
This was a shot in my head dark. I had no idea what it was. It turned out to be a good idea. I really liked this movie. It’s mostl a dark comedy. No laugh out loud moments. It just seems that everything that could go wrong does. It’s an amusing premise and executed well albeit in a low budget way. There really aren’t any huge stars. The lead from Orange is the New Black is probably the big name. The male lead is also the director.

There is a lot of swearing and it is about kidnapping so there’s a fair amount of violence. It is good so it’s a recommend.

200. The Rainmaker

An underdog lawyer takes on a fraudulent Insurance company.

This movie is from 1997 but seems timely as it deals with healthcare. Matt Damon is a fresh out of school lawyer. Idealistic, looking to help others. He takes on a case against a high priced l gal team.

It’s a good movie. It’s hought mayb I had seen I but I don’t hear no so.  The story is interesting and moves along at a nice pace.  For a director known for making big Star studd e epics (Godfather 1 & 2, Apocolyse Now) I is a smaller movie for him. With a few missteps in the 90s, he never quite hit the success of the 1970s and early 80s. Mostly now known for producing and his wine.

There is really nothing overly graphic in the he movie apart from one scene involving domestic abuse which is fairly disturbing. Recommended.


199. Bird on a Wire

An old flame discovers her ex-boyfriend from the past is a relocated FBI informant out to stop the bad guys.

I’ve been aware of this movie forever but had just never watched it. It was ok. I was with this movie until the over complicated dramatic ending.  I won’t spoil it but it his felt weird and over complicated.  It honestly tainted the movie for me, but maybe I’m picky. But I can’t recommend it. 

198. Hobo with a Shotgun

A homeless vigilante blows away crooked cops, pedophile Santas, and other scumbags with his trusty pump-action shotgun.

If you want a movie where all you have to do is switch off your brain and enjoy the ride,  well maybe pick something else. You have to embrace the camp of this. If you try to take it seriously you’re going to have no fun. 

It is an extremely violent film. Lots of violence, usually over the top. It’s an exploration film and that’s sort of the point.

Lots of crude language, extreme violence and weird sexual situations. It’s rude and perverse, but meant as entertainment. It’s not for everyone. If you liked any if the Grindjouse films, it’s sort of at that level. I cannot recommend it but this is my second time seeing it.