120. Sleepwalking

The drama follows a 12-year-old girl being cared for by her uncle struggles to come to terms with her mother’s abandonment.

This movie is either awful or genius. It’s endlessly depressing. It’s awful and I hate it. But if that was the desired reaction we’ll, then it’s genius. Are there people who watch movies thinking they need a little depression today and watch this.

It stars John Connor from Terminator 3 and the girl from Bridge to Tarabithia. Also known as Nick Stahl and AnnaSophia Robb. It has moments with Charlize Theron, Woidy Harrelson, and Dennis Hopper.

Lots of swearing and endless sadness. Not a single light hearted moment that isn’t eventually spoiled by something awful. It even ends awfully. Avoid at all costs.

119. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

King Arthur and his knights embark on a low-budget search for the Grail, encountering many, very silly obstacles.

One of my favorites. A real classic. I think it is start to finish hilarious. Even the opening credits are funny. Endlessly quotable.  My brother first showed this to me. He aptly described it as movie that gets funnier the more you think about it.

Great film. Go watch it again.

118. Shaun of the Dead

A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother, and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living.

I wouldn’t call it horror but there are zombies. I wouldn’t call it a romantic comedy but there are romantic comedic elements. It is all of these things and none of them. Whatever it is, I like it. One of the better comedies. I guess I prefer my zombies slow and sorta funny. Or if Sarah Polly is involved, but that’s another review.

Part one of the Cornetto trilogy. I only discovered this movie on home video but I was lucky enough to see it on the big screen a few years ago with Hot Fuzz before the premiere of part 3, The Worlds End. All 3 I like but for this one?

Zombie killing, people dying, a bit of swearing but it’s a comedy about zombies. If you’re already on board you’re not going to really mind that much. Recommended.

117. A Good Day to a Die Hard

John McClane travels to Russia to help out his seemingly wayward son, Jack, only to discover that Jack is a CIA operative working undercover, causing the father and son to team up against underworld forces.

It is not a good day. Oddly this is the first completely original screenplay in the Die Hard series. All the previous films were a blueprint with the John McClane character shoehorned in.

It is a bit of a mess. It sort of takes what is fun about Die Hard and throws it away.  It felt like they just gave Bruce Willis a gun and said shoot there. He really had nothing to do. I will venture a little into spoiler territory and say in the end nothing has been gained or happened. There is zero point. Oh well.

Violence swearing, vippie ki yay. Avoid.

116. Unbreakable

David Dunn (Bruce Willis) is the sole survivor of a devastating train wreck. Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson) is a mysterious stranger who offers a bizarre explanation as to why David escaped without a single scratch — an explanation which threatens to change David’s family and his life forever.

I am on some kind of a M. Night Shyamalan kivk lately. His films are rather hit or miss.  This film sits somewhere in the middle. Not terrible but not great. I like the idea of superheroes in the real world.  But they i think even say look, you’re a hero and I’m a villan.  It just seems to be telling you everything and not letting you think about it.

It’s ok but not really great.

115. Man of Steel

A young Clark Kent, isolated and scared discovers unusual powers. Although his adoptive planet is gone, survivors lurk and find their way onto Earth. Clark must then embark on a journey, to stop them from reaking havoc to cause harm to the ones he loves.

Yes, another Superman movie. I was pretty vocal about how much I hated this movie when it came out 4 years ago, I thought I’d give it another shot. It’s not that bad.

There are imperfections and odd choices  made to alter the basic origin story.  Changing Zodschatacter and motivation. Whatever. It’s a good movie. Up until 30 minutes before the end. It’s that point where it should have ended. But it doesn’t. And here they remove what makes Superman a hero. Was that a flaw of the character? No. A flaw by the director and writer. There are any number of plot devices you could use to avoid this particular ending. The desire to make it dark and gritty is misguided and just unenjoyable. Sadly they doubled down with Batman vs Superman, but that’s another review.

I don’t even know. Pass

114. Moon.

A man alone on a mining facility in the moon begins to experience…stuff.

This is an incredibly hard movie to describe without giving away too much my general rule is no spoilers and I feel to really enjoy this movie you need to be void of spoilers.

So I’ll just say Sam Rockwell is great in this movie. He’s basicly the only one in the movie with a few others in videos. The voice of Kevin Spacey as the robot. 

To avoid saying too much, I will say highly recommended. I advise against the free version on Crackle as there are 2 min ads every 10 minutes. I think it made the movie longer to watch. It also was random and in the middle of a scene.

113. Demolition Man

A police officer is brought out of suspended animation in prison to pursue an old ultra-violent nemesis who is loose in a non-violent future society..

I had fond memories of seeing this movie. I don’t know what I was thinking.

The concept is interesting but still deeply flawed in ececution. They’re trying to tell a serious story about society but also poking fun at itself. It’s not sure if it wants to be about a man out of time o violenc or a slapstick comedy. In the end it almost seems they are saying violence and killing is the best option in the end.

Well at least Sandra Bullock is cute.

There is very brief nudity (frozen naked), all the death killing blow up explosions you could want.  Lots of swearing an a little plot device to accentuate it just in case you ou missed it. I would say if you remember it fondly, maybe keep that memory and skip this.

112. Cocktail

A talented New York City bartender takes a job in Jamaica and falls in love.

I think the first ime I saw this was on videotape probably from Blickbuster. When my parents would go out for some time hint or another, I’d get to pick something easy I could make for myself for dinner (usually a minute steak or a pot pie) and I could rent a movie or two. I remember his movie specifically. That was the last time I probably saw it.

It’s a passable movie but not great. It’s not so over the top that’s it’s fun, but it is a little too long and goes in some silly directions. Also the fact that Tom Cruises character cheats on her twice is weird that she still takes him back. Explained as a bar bet. Well sure. Bar bet doesn’t count right?

Anyway. I had this soundtrack on cassette from Columbia house. 12 cassettes for $1. Other than The Beach Boys song I don’t remember any of them. I don’t even like the abeach Boys.

Sex. Drinking. Swearing. Violent tempers. Suicide. All the bases are touched. Pass.

111. Zathura

Jumanji in space.

Two Brothers find an old, spac themed, game in a closet and when the start playing, it becomes true.

I watched this based only on the director, Jon Favreau. He did Made and Elf. He followed this with the first 2 Iron Man films.

It has Dax Shepard, a very young Kristen Stuart, and a very young Josh Hutcherson. it really is a fun movie. There is enough action and adventure to keep me enthralled. It is a cute seeet science fiction fantasy film. Light hearted but I was still able to enjoy it. Kristen Stewart is frozen for about an hour but it hardly makes a difference.

Very light language. Othig really offensive. The Zorgos are kinda terrifying. Recommended