68. Live Free or Die Hard

John McClane and a young hacker join forces to take down master cyber-terrorist Thomas Gabriel in Washington D.C.

I had never seen all of this movie and decided to watch it. I liked it better than I did he first time. It varies in tone a lot from the first. I think the third is probably my favorite. Just the scene where he hits a helicopter with a motorcycle bothers me. But it was decent. I know he’s enigmatic and maybe a bit of a weirdo, but I like Bruce Willis. Even as far back as Moonlighting. I will have to watch that series. 2018, 42compleye series in 52 weeks? What do you think? I could do something like Luke Cage in a few days but Moonlighting would take a couple weeks. But I’m getting ahead of myself and off topic.

Lots of violence, no sexuality or nudity. Vague racism but nothing too bad.

67. A League of Their Own

Two sisters join the first female professional baseball league and struggle to help it succeed amidst their own growing rivalry.

Just because he of those classic, iconic films. It’s less about baseball and more about the characters. However, they do make you care about baseball somehow. I hadn’t seen the whole movie in a long time and it totally holds up. Between this and Big, it really made To Hanks a super star. It’s also the least terrible Madonna role. I guess Evita was OK. But that’s another review.

A little swearing, no real violence or sex. Also some crying in baseball.

66. The Truth About Cats and Dogs

A successful veternarian & radio show host with low self-esteem asks her model friend to impersonate her when a handsome man wants to see her.
A pure 1990s romantic comedy where one person lies but it all turns out ok. That’s not a spoiler. It wouldn’t be very romantic if they didn’t.

I really like Janeane Garofalo. She’s supposed to be the less attractive less desirable wwoman to Uma Thurmans leggy blinder model. I actually prefer Janeane. Plus that whole dea is flawed since she is very attractive and normal sized. Hollywood, right?

It’s a little cheesy but I love ro come. There’s at least one mild scene of a phone conversation but mild. Recommended, if you Likehat kind of thing.

65. Ant-man

Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, cat burglar Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.

Yet another Matvel superhero film. Marvel tends to continue to make solid, enjoyable films in this genre. I feel like Fox has lost sight of what makes these movies fun with their treatment of Fantastic Four and X-men. 

Paul Rudd is great casting. He brings an earnest character with a good amount of humor. This is about a man who can shrink himself and talk to ants after all.  I have trouble seeing Corey Stoll as anything but Peter Russo from House of Cards. He does play a slightly unhinged character so it’s good. I wish somebody would cast Judy Greer in something other than the best friend or the mom.

A little light swearing, violenc, and the most exciting Thomas the Tank Engine episode ever.

64. Deadpool

A fast-talking mercenary with a morbid sense of humor is subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers and a quest for revenge.

This is Ryan Reynolds second shot at the same character, but in a totally rebooted way. Wolverine Origins took a character who was known for his talking and humorous quips and literally removed his mouth. Ultimate insult. 

But this time, they nailed it. It has all the humor and just general tone of this very offbeat character. He’s not exactly a hero. He kills people. A lot of people. He doesn’t play by any rules. He swears, he talks directly to the audience. He is genuinely funny. I feel that there are enough jokes to appease comic book fans and enough for somebody who has never heard of him to enjoy.

This movie has several moments of sex.including something very wrong with unicorns. Lots of swearing. There is a ton of violence, hitting shooting exploding. I can see how this is not everyone’s cup of tea. But I lived it. If this sounds fun to you, it totally is. I will note while this is a comic book movie it is absolutely not for children. It’s rated R for a reason. 

63. The Sixth Sense

A troubled boy with a secret receives help from a child psychologist.

 Have seen the movie. It is one of those movies that you can enjoy twice. Once on first viewing, then knowing th ending you can piece it all together. It’s a fairly enjoyable movie anyway. Bruce Willis s subtle, the kid is amazing and I don’t think Toni Colette gets enough recognition as an actress. (Note to self: rewatch Muriel’s Wedding).

My mom, upon first viewings no had it figured out about 15 minutes in. I was suprised at the end. It’s a g eat a nding. There are so few good movie endings.

Dead people. Trauma. Recommended.

62. Strangers on a Train

Another in my Hitchcock series. A psychotic socialite confronts a pro tennis star with a theory on how two complete strangers can get away with murder – a theory that he plans to implement.

Another great film. Hitchcock has been et to let me down as a film maker. Another movie where I didn’t know any of the actors (my mom watched it with me and she knew them).  I like older movies lk he s because there was s no filler. Every little minor detail matters. It somehow makes a simple tennis match full f tension.

Hitchcock’s daughter, Patricia, has a part as the sister of the female lead. Not a small part.

Tension, murder, and peril. Highly recommend.

61. Aliens

The sequel to Alien. After being rescued from her derelict ship, Ripley returns to LV 489 to investigate a colony that has lost contact with Earth.

Needless to say if Alien had one Alien, Aliens has several. It’s less horror movie this time I feel but very tense. I think it is one of those rare films where the sequel is as good if not better to than the original. Sigourney is a total bad ass which helps.

Nice to see The late Bill Paxtor in his prime.

I personally like the 3rd and 4th installments, but they aren’t as good as this. The Alien vs Predator films are sad. Don’t get me started on Prometheus.

Violent. Swearing. Still a great movie.

60. The Craft

Four witches begin practicing witchcraft but it has its consequences.

I remember liking this and wondered if it aged well. Or maybe I aged because it was fairly corny. Was it always this corny and I was to young to notic or care.? All of the above.

It is a typical 1990s movie. Kids too cool for school? Check. Rocking alternative soundtrack? Check. Brand new actresses mixed with TV stars. And Skeet Ulrich shows up.

It’s not horrible. It’s good for a little nostalgia but not grea. It doesn’t ag well.