88. Roadhouse

A tough bouncer is hired to tame a dirty bar.

This movie is silly. This is ridiculous and cheesy. But it’s also over the fact op fun. Not for everybody. Lots of swearing, naked girls, and lots of swearing. Somehow there’s also a guy who runs the town and he’s allowed to blow up buildings.  It’s less about the bar and more about Patrick Swayze giving meaningful looks and then kicking butt. With lots of high kicks. Absolutely funny.

If you’re into that stuff, it’s worth a watch but not for everyone.

I don’t like to use DVD covers but this was really the best one.

87. Interview with the Vampire

A vampire recalls his history of the last 200 years of his life as a vampire.

I enjoyed this film a lot. It is watered down Anne Rice, but I’m ok with that.

I know there are a lot of fanatical Anne Rice fans who are largely offended that the movie differs from the book  I’ll admit that there are alterations that changed the tone of the story. However, I am not offended. If you’re expecting a faithful adaptation of any book you’re going to have a rough time.

I can’t say I’m a huge fan of Brad Pitt overall but this is one of a few roles I like him in. Tom Cruise is doing his Tom Cruise thing where he goes for the bleachers and nails his part. I find Antonio Banderas as odd casting. Kirsten Dunst is amazing as a child. She has really grown up to be a pretty good actress. (See Fargo in my upcoming TV blog (just kidding (maybe)))

Lots of violence vampires nudity and very subtle homoerotic undertones.  But recommended. 

86. Remember

ith help from a fellow Holocaust survivor (Martin Landau), a widower (Christopher Plummer) who struggles with memory loss embarks on a cross-country odyssey to find the former Nazi responsible for the deaths of their family members.

The movie really stars Christopher Plummer. And 87 (85 when he did his movie) he is still just as good an actor as ever.  He’s sympathetic yet charming even as he searches for a man intent on killing him. It is a very dark story with moments of sadness and hope. 

For a movie about Nazi hunting there is very little swearing save for one scene. I would recommend it.

85. The Big Lebowski

“The Dude” Lebowski, mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, seeks restitution for his ruined rug and gets nvold n a kidnapping scheme.

A classic movie I’ve seen many times before. It’s still unjoyable despite th fact that I know almost all th lines by heart.

The whole cast is great. My only minor quip, if I had on, is a Julianne Moore’s character is just too weird.  Maybe that’s the point but i s still a bit too did. It does lead in to one of the better dream sequence in the film. Oh yeah. I here’s more than one.

If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and give it a try. There is a good deal of swearing, some car destruction, and some naked girls in the air but nothing graphic.

84. Braveheart

William Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace’s father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Scotland. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all.

A real epic story with lots of swords and kilts. Mel Gibson turned down the role of James Bond n Goldeneye to make this film. It really is an enjoyable film if you can reconcile the fact that it is worth lily inaccurate. The timelines don’t match up and Robert the Bruce is put in a negative light while he s considered a hero in Scotland. But I’m ok with embellishments for the sake of the story.

Also this was directed by Mel Gibson. It won him best director and the film also won Best picture. I didn’t intend to do 2 oscar winners back to back. I have no real plan. Just what strikes my fancy.  His next project he would direct is The Passion of the Christ. That might show up later on.

Needless to say lots of violence. A few scenes of nudity (you know what a Scotsman wears under his kilt? You get to see.) Still, a good movie. Recommended.

83. American Beauty

A man leading a dull life has a midlife crisis and his world turns upside down.

The opening narration tells you Lester, Kevin Spacey, dies at the end. There’s many things leading up to that. The new neighbors with the spaced out mom, strict abusive father, and drug dealing weirdo son. His daughters infatuation with the weirdo and her best friend who has a thing for Lester. And Annette Benning being neurotic.

This got lots of Oscars I think including best picture. I would give it best ok picture. Better than most but not the best award.

And what is up with that stupid bag? Does that make sense to anybody?

It’s ok. See it if you haven’t. It doesn’t really warrant a repeat viewing. Unless you want to see 2 teenage girls topless. Isn’t that what Reddit is for?

Sorry about the scandalous image. It was this or a naked girl with strategic rose petals.

82. Executive Decision

When terrorists hijack a plane loaded with nerve gas, an analyst joins a commando ream to board the plane before it lands.

Kurt Russell makes a good action hero. I feel like he’s underrated. This movie is more enjoyable than it should be. I mean, it does have Stephen Segal in it and that is usually a big red flag. Thankfully he’s not in it much. There’s nothing Earth shattering here. Just a fun little action movie. 

It is a mild recommendation. 

81. Heaven Can Wait (1978)

 Los Angeles Rams quarterback, accidentally taken away from his body by an overanxious angel before he was meant to die, returns to life in the body of a recently murdered millionaire.

This is another movie that I know I saw a long time ago but it was all almost new to me. It’s a nice light comedy about attempted murder and the afterlife. I feel like when When firing on all thrusters, Warren Beatty is really talented. I’m always amazed how he creates such a lively character when in interviews he’s very closed off and guarded.  He’s really great in this. It is always fun to see Charles Grodin doing something good.

Nominated for best picture and Beatty nominated for director, actor, and adapted screenplay ( with Elaine May). A little violence but nothing shown or graphic. A football sequence I don’t hate. Recommended.

80. Rogue One

The rebel alliance plans a mission to steal the plans to the Empires powerful weapon, the Death Star.

This was the movie on my list that I wanted to see the most. It did not disappoint. Except for one, I didn’t know any of the actors except for a few minor characters. The main people I didn’t know at all. I think that helped as I was able to see them as their characters and not the actors. I was a bit wary of Felicity Jones, but I ended up liking her. 

There’s a lot of good character work, insight into the rebel alliance. It did what the prequels couldn’t.. it made a cohesive story and entertained without slapstick, overused flashy CGI, and not changing the nature of the universe already created.

There’s also action funny moments, and everything you want in a Star Wars film. Highly recommend. I might have to watch this again soon.

79. 10

A Hollywood lyricist goes through a mid-life crisis and becomes infatuated with a sexy, newly married woman.

This may go down as one of the worst movies I’ve actually completed. I have started a few that I don’t finish therefore don’t end up here. I finished it because I was up and I wanted to see it. It is rather iconic, Bo Derek running down the beach and all. I just found the humor not to my liking. The whole premise is that Bo Derek’s character is a dream woman. I didn’t find her that appealing. Maybe it’s because the movie is over 35 years old and conventional beauty has changed. That being said, cornrows on a white woman are not doing anybody any favors.

I appreciate that a lot of awkward comedy like The Office or Ben Stiller stuff is inspired by Dudley Moore. It just wasn’t for me.

Lots of sex and naked people abound. It’s basicly about infidelity. I cannot recommend it.