59. Alien

I own the DVD set and was presented with original or directors cut. I chose original.

A spaceship answers what seems like an SOS but discover a crashed ship and an alien egg. Havoc ensues.

I ave seen this before but it warrants repeated viewing. I had wanted to rewatch Aliens because of Bill Paxton, but thought I should watch the original first. It really is a creepy, horror sci fi movie. But a good one which is rare.  It really is an all star cast. At least I could identify each character with at least one other iconic role. 

There’s a lot or scary violent moments. There’s no nudity but there are way too small underwear and there are apparently no bras in space. Cats? Yes. Proper undergarments? No. Recommended 

58. Tender Trap

A bit of catching up today. A classic film. Frank Sinatra is a womanizer who n spec rly falls for a young singer played by Debbie Reynolds.

I’m a little disappointed about n the he one. It seems like Frank is either not acting very well or he’s phoning it in. He’s acting like hes just too cool for it. Debbie’s character is supposed to be cute but she’s a little high strung. There’s also the idea that a woman longs to get married because that’s what all women want and then she won’t have to work anymore. A very old fashion idea seems silly and weird today.

It’s still very light hearted and fun. I can’t say if I recommend it. It’s ok but don’t rush out and see it.


57. Downloaded

A documentary about Napster’s rise and fall. About file sharing and the legal ideas behind it.

The dea f his seemed a new erstng. It really is a part of my 20s. I don’t know anybody of my generation who didn’t use Napster. Is it wrong? This movie seems to think so. As interesting as this topic is to me, the execution is a lot little dry. I guess when there’s no no notional concept and o it just started just cold hard fact. 

Not great. I can’t really recommend it.

56. Unlocking the Cage

A documentary. Lawyer Steven Wise and the Nonhuman Rights Project file lawsuits to give animals such as chimpanzees, whales, dolphins and elephants limited personhood rights. That’s the official synopsis. It mostly focuses on the chimp side of things.

It really is amazing that these things we see as animals are actually extremely smart. They can understand human speech and are able to communicate with us as well. This lawyer wanted to get an official ruling making chimps seen as people, or at least a person so they would not be kept in cages, experimented on, or at least a general quality of life that a person would be free to enjoy.

It really is thought provoking and fascinating. Recommended.

55. Captain Fantastic

A couple raises their 6 children in a he wilderness, off the grid. When tragedy strikes, they must venture out notions the real world.

A really notional mov. A more heavy handed approach could have made this just non stop sadness. There are a lot of light moments. Vigorous is in fine form (acting wise although you see way more of him than you may be comfortable with). Most of the kids are good actors too. It really is quirky and a good film.  Usually read up a little before the review but didn’t for this one.

There’s at least one brief nud scene (non sexual)  lots of swearing and some pretty intense family stuff. I would recommend however.

54. The Firm

A young lawyer begins working for a law firm with a secret.

I had never seen this before. I thought I knew it but I was thinking of the Keanu Reeves movie. This is Tom Cruise and Gene Hackman. Igood story. Sorta complicated but that makes it fun. It seems s about 2 and 1/2 hours long and I did find myself checking the time about 2 hours in, though I don’t know what part d cut out. Maybe less knowing glances? Less Tom Cruise running? We get it, you like to run.

Wilford Brimly has never seemed so menacing. I’ve always found something sinister about Al Holbrook. Maybe because he played deep threat. His other partner played Deep throat on the X Files. And I just love Holly Hunter. The whole cast is great. I have a new found appreciation for Jeanne Tripplehorn.

Not a lot of sex or profanity but some. Would recommend.

53. Escape from New York

Tough guy Snake Plissken is forced to rescue the president of the United States who crash landed in New York which has become a giant prison.

I’ve never seen this before. It has been on my list for awhile but I’ve never got around to watching it.

I really enjoyed this. It had a good steady stream of action, some dark humor, and a good murky view of the future world of 1997. It’s not complicated. Easy plot to follow yet still entertaining.

There’s a little profanity, very brief nudity. Adrienne Barbeau wears very little while being fully clothed. It’s no Swamp Thing however.would recommend.

51. The Trouble with Harry

A dead body in a forest joins a group of people in a small town. More Hitchcock. This time a black comedy mystery which I never knew he did. It is genuinely funny and the mystery is fun. There are several laugh out loud moments.

This was Shirley MacLaines first film. Also Edmund Gwynne and John Forsythe. It ever has a very young Jerry Mathews before Leave it to Beaver.

It’s a comedy and except for the one dead body there’s really nothing objectionable. A really fun light movie from Hitchcock.

50. Arrival

When aliens arrive on Earth the government enlists linguistics expert, Louise (Amy Adams) and scientist, Ian (Jeremy Renner), to try and communicate with them.

I really enjoyed this film. It seems a much more reasonable depiction of how it might work. It avoids the usual alien tropes without giving too much away. Design of the ship technology and well, everything. That being said, it reminded me of art least 3 things from Star Trek, but only in general, not specific rip offs, but general sci fi cocepts.

This was on my top 5 movies I wanted to see to see with Passengers, Doctor Strange, and The Accountant. The only one left is Rogue One which I’m ok to wait on for awhile.

A lot f the film is…not special ok but whatever is a step down. Very dark in tone. Some light swearing but no actual violence. Well maybe once. For sure the most Odd Abbotand Costello reference. Would Recommend.