31. Predator

A classic from the 1980s. Quotable and just a great action movie with a simple plot. Alien lands in jungle, hunts man. And of course Arnold Schwarzenegger.  It actually has 2 governors single Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura is also in it.

I know I saw this at last once when I was younger but not recently. It is amazing how well it holds up. The effects are mostly practical so they look better than CGI. Not that CGI always looks bad but something biological like his face look better when not CGI.

There’s a lot of violence and a lot of locker room talk at the start.  It’s worth a second viewing if you haven’t seen it recently.

30. The Girl on the Train

A girl watches the world from a train and gets involved in a mystery. That’s the basic gist. But so much more. Alcoholism, infidelity, trying to help when you’re making things worse. So many story elements but it doesn’t get jumbled into a mess.

Emily Blunt is great as usual. The whole cast. It was just a good money. There are several unsettling moments, some sexual moments that when revisited seem more dark than before. It is a dark movie but sometimes we need a little dark inour stories.

29. Death Proof

Part 2 of the original Grindhouse film. It’s not nearly as sci-fi horror comedy more crazy excuse for murder and mayhem. Just psychopathic murder and mayhem.

It’s hard to describe. Part girls night out part being chased by a weirdo stuntman, part car chase. I guess it wasn’t so hard to describe.

It’s quite violent without being overly graphic unless you count car crashes. Overall it’s campy fun but not one of Quinten Tarantino best. More fun than Jackie Brown but I think Kill Bill does a similar thing much better.

Side note. If you’ve seen only the Grindhouse version, the solo reversion includes the so called missing reel which is the lap danc scene. Planet Terror does not because that missing reel part was never shot.

28. Doctor Strange

The latest Marvel movie in the increasingly complicated Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Surgeon Steven Strange gets into a car accident seriously damaging his hands. He seeks out all forms of therapies and comes upon a mystical guru who teaches him the art of magic.

A pretty good movie. A fun movie with cool effects. Physics go out he window with magic. Marvel has never steered me wrong. They always do a good job. DC has done nothing but make me sad. As far as superhero movies go.

If I had a gripe it would’ve aboutpoor Rachel McAdams. She really has nothing to do. But I guess she’s not high on the cast list. I really do like her. Leftover love for About Time.

This was second on my “must see list” so I’m glad I got to see it. If you’re curious #1 is Rogue One. And yes it’s been mostly spoiled already because people love to ruin movies for you.

26. Planet Terror

Originally the first half of a 2 film feature with Death Proof. They were then released separately. This one is directed by Robert Rodriguez. It has a cast of stars including Rose McGowan, Josh Brolin, an an uncredited Bruce Willis.

The plot is silky and the action is over the top as are the blood and guts. But it is their take on grindhouse films or exploitation films. But done with tongue firmly in cheek. Fun if you can deal with the over the top aspect.

Rated R obviously for sex, nudity, violence and blood and gore. It might be advertised as horror but I see it as a comedy. 

25. Iron Man

I think it is still one of the best Superhero movies made. It’s stays true to the comic character while making it accessible to a wide audience. It’s a good origin and shows a real character arc to Tont but also keeping him light hearted. Granted I never found the comic book version as charming and sarcastic but it works.

It really is a fine start to the Marvel cinematic universe. One of the few you don’t need to see 5 other movies to get all the references.

Weirdly my first Gwyneth Paltrow movie. I adore her. Haters gonna hate, but she wears this backless blue dress and…

24. Point of No Return

Bridget Fonda plays a drug addict who kills a cop and put to death. Instead she is secretly recruited by a mysterious organization to be a secret assassin. 

This film is a remake of Luc Besson’s Nikita which also later became 2 different TV series with the same premise.

In the 1990s there were a few rally good movies with Bridget Fonda but then she fell off the planet. I remember liking Single White Female, Singles, and Touch amongst others. All I know about her is she’s married to Danny Elfman which makes an aunt by marriage to Jenna Elfman.

The movie itself is a little sweet but also a fair amount of action. Gabriel Byrne plays his typical stoic no emotion character. All that said I recommend it. There is a fairly odd amen by today’s standards sex scene, a few brief top less girls in a Mardi Gras scene. There is a fair amoun of assassination obviously.

23. Big Eyes

I haven’t been a huge fan of Tim Burtonslater work. His less crazy stuff. So I wanted to see this but was reluctant. I was wrong.

This movie is pretty great. It’s weird to think that there was a time where women were only praised based on the merits of the men they were with.  The main premise is a wife makes paintings (like on the poster) the husband takes credit until she’s had enough and decides to fight back. It’s based on a true story. I think my grandmother even had one. 

Christoph Waltz is good at being a raving lunatic. Amy Adams I just like. Ok maybe or as Lois Lane, but as a general rule.

I’m not sure how this got a Pg 13. Maybe profanity because there’s noses or really any violence. I would recommend.

22. The Magnificent Seven (2016)

I ave not seen the original version or the real original Japanese Seven Samurai. This one is really pretty good. Ikeepsaying I don’t like westerns but every on I see I end up liking so maybe I do after all.

The plot is kinda simple. Seven cowboys defend a town from a bad guy and his group. He was x caution is where it’s at. Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, and Ethan Hawk are the big names. It’s very much an ensemble film. I verybody has ther but wn skill set. Ina crazy Hollywood movie the Korean ch arachnophobia re is played by a Korean, the native American is Nativ American and the Mexican is from Mexico. Crazy.

There’s hardly anything sexual but a lot of kill get. Like a LOT of killing. Because it doesn’t s a lot eccom me. Now I may have to watch the other 2.